California Grief And Addiction Counseling

Grief is a reaction to any form of loss. It encompasses a range of feelings from deep sadness to anger, and the process of adapting to a significant loss can vary dramatically from one person to another, depending on his or her background, beliefs, relationship to what was lost, and other factors. Grief is associated with feelings of sadness, yearning, guilt, regret, and anger. Some people may experience a sense of meaninglessness. Often people feel disorganized, tired, have trouble concentrating, sleep poorly and have vivid dreams, and experience changes in appetite.

Grief counseling becomes necessary when people are so disabled and overwhelmed by their grief that their normal coping processes are disabled or shut down. Grief counseling facilitates the expression of emotions and thoughts about the loss, including sadness, anxiety, anger, loneliness, guilt, relief, isolation, confusion, or numbness.

Grief counseling can help clients process and resolve their natural reactions to loss. It can be an effective way to learn to cope with the stress associated with the loss and to learn to manage symptoms with techniques such as relaxation or meditation.
Each experience of grief is unique, complex, and personal. Our therapist at Monarch Shores tailors your treatment to meet your specific needs and will assist you to accept the reality of the loss, to work through the pain of grief, and to adjust to life after the loss.