Ketamine or Special K is used as an anesthetic for both humans and animals and contains hallucinogenic properties. Ketamine produces hallucinations, calming feelings and can even make you detached from reality. This means you can see, smell hear and feel things that may not be there or they will seem different than they really are. These effects are nicknamed as being in a “k-hole”, meaning you are in a different reality. The “k-hole” experience makes Ketamine appealing to people who enjoy hallucinating from LSD or other psychedelics. Ketamine is also a popular club drug that is used in nightclubs across the country.
Maybe you started going out and were introduced to Ketamine at a nightclub, after a few weekends you realize you were taking Ketamine more frequently and “need it to have fun”. When you abuse a drug like Ketamine, you are risking addiction and death. It is important that you look for the treatment you need before it is too late. Ketamine does have medical value and is often used properly as an anesthetic. When this drug gets into the wrong hands abuse and addiction occur. If you have become addicted to the out of body experiences, hallucinations and other powerful effects of Ketamine, there is treatment available for you.
Signs of Ketamine Addiction
If you are worried that you may have developed a Ketamine addiction, then you are doing the right thing by researching the addiction. Ketamine’s properties can be highly addictive, and you can become hooked before you know it. Here are some things to consider, if you believe you may have developed a Ketamine addiction.
- Are you using Ketamine more frequently than when you began?
- Are you spending more money than you should on Ketamine?
- Do you worry about running out of your Ketamine supply?
- Has your work or school performance dropped since using Ketamine?
- Have you been placing your Ketamine use over your friends and family?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, don’t feel bad! Instead, you should realize that you have an addiction and it’s time to do something about it. Ketamine addiction treatment in California is the best way to begin your recovery journey. When you go to rehab for your Ketamine abuse you will learn new ways to guard against your addiction, and also have the chance to discuss your past mistakes. When you go to treatment you will learn how to accept your addiction and the damage it has caused, while also learning how to make amends to those you may have hurt.
Ketamine Addiction Treatment in California
Ketamine or Special K is used as an anesthetic for both humans and animals and contains hallucinogenic properties. Ketamine produces hallucinations, calming feelings and can even make you detached from reality. This means you can see, smell hear and feel things that may not be there or they will seem different than they really are. These effects are nicknamed as being in a “k-hole”, meaning you are in a different reality. The “k-hole” experience makes Ketamine appealing to people who enjoy hallucinating from LSD or other psychedelics. Ketamine is also a popular club drug that is used in nightclubs across the country.
Maybe you started going out and were introduced to Ketamine at a nightclub, after a few weekends you realize you were taking Ketamine more frequently and “need it to have fun”. When you abuse a drug like Ketamine, you are risking addiction and death. It is important that you look for the treatment you need before it is too late. Ketamine does have medical value and is often used properly as an anesthetic. When this drug gets into the wrong hands abuse and addiction occur. If you have become addicted to the out of body experiences, hallucinations and other powerful effects of Ketamine, there is treatment available for you.