Are you tired of depending on your sleeping pills night in and night out? It is possible that you developed an addiction to your medication. Thousands if not millions of people have received sleeping pill addiction treatment and have recovered. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recognizes sleep disorders to be a major problem and estimates 40-60 million Americans suffer from sleep problems. A CBS News article released in 2013 claimed that nearly 9 million Americans are prescribed sleeping medications. With so many people having sleeping issues and being prescribed sleep aids, it is no wonder these prescription drugs are being abused. It can be very easy for someone to become dependent and addicted to sleeping medication, because of the powerful effects.
Kinds of Sleeping Pills
Because your doctor prescribed you a sleep-aid you may have thought it was harmless. This is far from the truth as prescription sleep-aids produce powerful effects that make the users dependent. Prescription sleep aids are sedative-hypnotics and usually come in three different forms.
1. Benzodiazepine Sleep-aids – These are extremely addictive, as benzodiazepines are the second most abused drug type in the country. Benzo sleep-aids include; Dalmane, Doral, Halcion, ProSom and Restoril.
2. Barbiturates – Older sleeping medications that are now used for anesthetics during operations. Barbiturate sleep-aids include Amytal, Nembutoral and Seconal.
3. Non-Benzodiazepine Sleep-aids – Newer medications that are less addictive but still habit forming. Non-benzo sleep-aids include; Ambien, Lunesta and Sonata.
Signs of Sleeping Pill Addiction
Many people who develop a sleeping pill addiction may not even be aware of it happening. As your body becomes dependent on the drug your brain tells you that you need more in order to sleep. It can happen to anyone.
You can learn how to beat your addiction, or you can continue living how you are until you eventually hit your own rock bottom. It is often easier to just come to terms with your addiction, and learn how to better your life.
If you are doing any of the following, then you developed a sleeping pill addiction:
- Taking your sleeping pills during the day
- Taking more than the doctor recommended
- Running out of your medicine before your refill date
- Taking your medicine and trying to stay awake
- Feel panicked when you don’t have your medicine to go to sleep
- Have looked to illegally buy sleeping pills on the streets
- Taking medicine more frequently
- Abusing legal sleep-aids when out of prescription
When you abuse these drugs your body becomes dependent on and tells your brain that you need it, which is how addiction begins.
Overdosing on Sleeping Pills
If you are addicted or abusing your sleeping pills then you are increasing your chances of overdosing or taking too much at once. With these medications, you can experience life-threatening overdose symptoms such as:
- Weakening of the heart
- Weakening of breath
- Coma
- Extreme drowsiness